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Bind-in Flexible Pocket for Publications


Bind-in Flexible PocketA “bind-in flexible pocket” for publications refers to a type of pocket or an enclosure that is attached to a publication (such as a magazine, catalog, or brochure) and allows for the inclusion of additional materials or inserts. These pockets are typically made of a flexible material, such as plastic or paper, and are designed to securely hold and protect the inserted items.

EnvyPak’s Bind-in flexible pockets are commonly used in various publications for a variety of purposes:

  • Subscription cards: In magazines or catalogs, you might find a bind-in flexible pocket that holds a subscription card. Readers can fill out the card with their details and mail it back to the publisher to subscribe
    to the publication.
  • Product samples: Great option with EnvyPak pockets to include product samples, such as fragrance strips or small promotional items, with their catalogs or magazines.
  • Coupons and discounts: Publications often use our bind-in flexible pockets to hold coupons or special discount offers for readers to use in purchasing advertised products.
  • Brochures or informational inserts: EnvyPak bind-in pockets are used to include extra brochures or leaflets providing additional information about featured products or services.
  • Response cards or surveys: In marketing or research-related publications, these pockets might contain response cards or surveys that readers can fill out and return.

Bind-in Flexible PocketOur unique custom advantage for bind-in flexible pockets is that they can be seamlessly integrated into the publication, making it easy to access and retain the additional materials without the need for external attachments or separate packaging. Publishers can work with printing and binding companies to include these pockets during the production process.

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