Introducing EnvyPak Insight™,a full face window envelope revolution Contact: SalesPhone: 937.645.4600Email: Columbus, Ohio – EnvyPak®, the clear leader in marketing envelopes and packaging products, has developed EnvyPak Insight™, a first-of-its-kind, full window paper envelope providing full visibility to marketing materials. EnvyPak Insight’s patent pending full window paper envelope just received USPS automation letter postage rate approval. Designed with automation in mind, EnvyPak Insight includes moisture-activated flaps and is .
EnvyPak® receives updated USPS automation letter rate approval – ALR Clear EnvyPaks approved for closure with Wafer Seals Contact: Jim Geers, Director of Sales EnvyPakPhone: 937.645.4600Email: Marysville, Ohio, May 17, 2022 – Big news for direct mail advertisers and the printers and mail houses that provide direct mail and marketing services. Univenture’s EnvyPak envelopes received wafer seal approval for automated letter rates. Advertisers love EnvyPak’s higher ROI and nearly .
EnvyPak Offers Clear Packaging Products to Assist Industries Seeking to Manage the Impacts of COVID-19 MARYSVILLE OHIO — March 24, 2020 — EnvyPak, an Ohio-based company that specializes in clear packaging solutions, announced that as an essential and critical manufacturing business, it is continuing to operate and support hospitals, testing laboratories, and other organizations by offering packaging components they need to fight and help control the spread of COVID-19 .
New USPS Ruling that Advances EnvyPak’s Automation Letter Rate Approval, Adding Features That Provide Additional Savings Postage reduced up to 54.6%; address label not required for EnvyPak machinable poly envelope Columbus, Ohio – EnvyPak received another new ruling from the United States Postal Service (USPS) that provides lower automation letter rates for a specially formatted, polypropylene (poly) envelope that now does not require an affixed mailing label, can be sealed with glue .
USPS Ruling Reduces Clear EnvelopePostage for Direct Mail Marketers EnvyPak, America’s #1 Clear Envelope Manufacturer, announces an innovative, patent-pending, clear plastic envelope format that can reduce postage for marketers by as much as 57%. EnvyPak recently received a monumental ruling from the United States Postal Service specific to this new clear envelope which utilizes EnvyPak’s proprietary manufacturing technology. The groundbreaking invention is the first clear plastic envelope to ever receive .
USPS Ruling Reduces Clear Envelope Postage for Direct Mail Marketers EnvyPak, America’s #1 Clear Envelope Manufacturer, announces an innovative, patent-pending, clear plastic envelope format that can reduce postage for marketers by as much as 57%. EnvyPak recently received a monumental ruling from the United States Postal Service specific to this new clear envelope which utilizes EnvyPak’s proprietary manufacturing technology. The groundbreaking invention is the first clear plastic envelope to ever .
Mailing Industry Friends, a giving program designed to support the Smithsonian’s effort to tell the story of the mailing industry. The mailing industry is a conglomerate of organizations that can trace its history back 200 years. The industry works in partnership with the U.S. Postal Service to enable citizens and businesses to receive communications, goods, and services. The partnership is an incredible success story about the private sector and .