Come See the Clear Advantage
Our crystal-clear mailing envelopes offer creative solutions for direct mail in cost-effective and versatile configurations. Add an extra dimension to your mailer and watch the responses come flying in. EnvyPak isn’t just any plastic envelope, EnvyPak is a premium luxury envelope designed to increase response and open rates. From our stock clear envelopes to fully custom pieces, EnvyPak’s marketing envelopes will take your direct mail campaign to the next level.
Packaging With A Purpose
EnvyPak’s flexible polypropylene packaging solutions are one of the most innovative on the market today. EnvyPak’s line of specialty packaging products can easily be designed as interactive eye-catching packages that can be used and reused for storing the product it presents. Whether you need eye-catching promotional packaging or a functional solution, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you succeed.