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EnvyPak Bridge Conference

Bridge Conference 2023

2023 Bridge Conference
August 2-4
National Harbor, MD
Booth 109

Come Discover What EnvyPak Clear Envelopes Have to Offer

Our crystal clear envelopes offer creative solutions for direct mail in cost-effective and versatile configurations. Add an extra dimension to your mailer and watch the responses come flying in. EnvyPak isn’t just any plastic envelope, EnvyPak is a premium luxury envelope designed to increase open rates and ROI. From our stock clear envelopes to fully custom pieces, EnvyPak marketing envelopes will take your direct mail campaign to the next level.

  • ✓ Attract More Customers
  • ✓ Drive Higher Response Rates
  • ✓ USPS-Approved Polypropylene Material
  • ✓ Auto-Insertable
  • ✓ Creative Interactive Printing

Introducing our NEW EnvyPak Insight™

EnvyPak Insight™ is a patent pending, full window paper / PET envelope that just received USPS automation letter postage rate approval. Designed with automation in mind, EnvyPak Insight™ includes moisture-activated flaps and is machine insertable, and is certified for USPS automation.

EnvyPak‘s entire product offering is designed to provide marketers with the ability to increase engagement and interaction resulting in higher open rates for improved customer acquisition and retention.

Stop by our booth for free samples!